How to Make Baby Passport Photos

Taking good baby passport photos can be tricky. It would be easier to take baby passport photos at home than taking the baby to a studio and take photo. Besides following the general passport photo guidelines, there are some other important tips to help get the compliant baby passport photos.

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Baby Passport Photo Guidelines

A baby passport photo must meets the following requirements:

Baby Passport Photos

Tips on how to take the perfect baby passport photo

  1. Lay white or light color baby quilt or blanket in a bright room or other places with good lighting.
  2. Lay the baby on the quilt or blanket. Stretch the quilt or blanket to get constant plain background.
  3. Ensure baby is looking straight at the camera with eyes open, mouth closed and not smiling, and both ears visible. You can hold a toy (especially toy with sound) near the camera to draw the baby's attention to look straight and both eyes open.
  4. DO NOT use flash light. Flash light will cause shadow behind the head.

After taking the photo, make baby passport photos on our website. Just upload photo, crop photo and you will get multiple passport photos with correct size on a 4R sheet.

Usually baby passport photo requirements are not so strict. If you manage to meet the passport photo requirements above, you will get acceptable baby passport photos.